Monday, November 12, 2007

Its the most wonderful time of the year!

Yesterday my me and my honeys went on a hike. It was approx 4 miles and though technically thats not far at was a toughie! But the views along the potomac were well worth it. Seeing my lil peanut all bundled up and out in the fresh air was worth it, meeting the people we did and after for Pho was worth it. But feeling like the old Jenn & Peter, version 2.1 made it TOTALLY worth it.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

happy birthday to ME!

its the end of an "era"...the last of my 20's. Can you imagine?!?! How did i celebrate you ask ~ in only the BEST WAY POSSIBLE!!!

I went to the gym with baby in tow. Put her in daycare and went directly to the hot tub. From there I promptly went into the steam room. I came home to a FANTASTIC dinner prepared by my man.

The next day i worked ALL day. But unlike that job that pays the mortgage...this I LOVE. I had a photo session in Annapolis for a great couple that was a lot of fun, then another couple here in DC. Its awesome to know that there is something I could make a living from that i LOVE.

~ now to get that ball rolling!