Saturday, July 07, 2007

First Vacation!

Can you imagine ~ your first plane trip at 7 weeks ~ what a lucky girl! Hopefully this is just the beginning of a lifetime of great journeys.

Mommy has to say, all things considered Giuliane was a great little baby girl on the plane. A few little 'pay attention to me whimpers' and some slight fussyness when we were taxing for takeoff as I wouldn't let the lil peanut eat till we were acutally taking off, but really...since we were on a small plane, i doubt anyone could hear her over the engine.

The flight was only an hour and 15 min long and the rest of the time, she giggled and coo'ed with the best of them. In short ~ she was ADORABLE!

Friday, July 06, 2007

A good lil Cuban

So its been awhile - and i have plenty of posts saved up in my PC, but i figured its time to properly begin blogging again. So much happens so fast in this household that i don't want to foget a single moment of it!

Giuliane is 7 weeks old
We leave for the beach (first plane trip) tomorrow am
Condo is STILL for sale
I've submitted resumes to a few companies for indep contracting work
I have a photo shoot on Sun July, 15th - that dream is still alive :)

However I write today about going to the movies. Yesterday Giuliane and I went to a baby & me movie and saw - SICKO...yes, I went to see a Michael Moore (MM) movie and even more so...I really enjoyed it. Giuliane was her typical adorable self and coo-ed thought 99% of it.

During one part - MM takes a few 911 workers down to Cuba to receive their 'free' medical treatment. At one point they flash Castro on the screen and discuss how he's no all bad. Well apparently this lil one disagreed, because she let out the most blood curdling scream. It lasted EXACTLY as long as the Castro praise and once they were finished - so was she.

Grandpa would be so proud!