Tuesday, September 07, 2010

One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potatoes


So one of the most fun things we've ever done with our garden is plant potatoes. Potatoes & Tomatoes were the crop du anno ~ and boy did that work on G's language skills :) I've never actually seen a potato plant so it was a fun experiment all around. I mean even from the day we received the amazing package ~ its been a blast. The companies packaging was insane. Like a little present. Then all summer the plants flourished, flowered and grew grew grew. But despite all this ~ we had NO idea what awaited us beneath the soil.

We got a decent amount. Certainly nothing to sustain us through the winter, but it was fun nonetheless. AND since these are heirloom potatoes, we'll be able to plant some of our product in the spring again and continue without any further purchases. Unlike just about everyone else...thank-you Monsanto. (grrr)

Last night we FINALLY got around to cleaning our crop and though a messy job...someone's gotta do it. And thankfully that someone is G!

And because we were feeling the potato love ~ we went to a farm for their annual pancake breakfast & potato harvest. To me it was a step above chuck-e-cheese, but G had fun...and that was really the intent. (or so i keep telling myself)

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