Friday, July 10, 2009

Its the little things...

So while it seems that not much has been going on lately ~ we've been incredibly busy. Work is busy ~ photography is busy ~ and having a lil one home alllll day is very very busy.

But here are some of my favorite developments.

1) G's new favorite TV show is Jane & the Dragon. I used to think it was because the dragon was kinda cute & the music was fun, but i may have been wrong.

"G ~ please put down the yardstick. It is not a toy to hit things with."
"Mommy it's my swoooooord"
"Oh, well then. Take your sword outside please"

Jane is a knight in training.

2) Giuliane MUST have at least 3 Curious George stories read to her before bed. And George may only be read before bed & no other time. George = bed. (so help me if i forget to pack the book for vaca)

3) ohhh there WAS something but now i can't remember what it was. bah.

**UPDATE*** i remembered...
G likes to wear a Santa hat in the middle of July. EVERYWHERE.

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