Friday, September 12, 2008

I knew this day would come

but somehow i had tricked myself into believing that i was a better parent than that.


It sorta came out of the blue. The first time i heard it it tilted my head and sorta thought "hmmm was that what i thought it was??" The next time it was clear and i sorta giggled. With each passing hour the strength of this word grew as lil G realized its full potential and i even heard about it when we picked her up from daycare. In less 24 hours it went from cute lil 'beaker beaker' noises to a full blown ~ the devil may have possessed me



Scout798 said...

WHAT DID SHE SAY!??! What was it?!

jenn said...

your as bad as my mom.


perhaps you didn't get the extended version

get it ;)

yuj said...


omg i can totally see her doing it, too, with the head shake and the flailing limbs... VIDEO. Stat.

xo, auntie yuj (who will find it ridiculously cute because i don't have to hear it every time i try to change her) hee!!