Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bubbles - EWE

So for Valentines day G(in addition to a fabulous weekend away with mommy & daddy) got bubbles for her bathtub.

G LOOOOOOOVES bath time and at even the slighted mention of a tub or a wispered hush of "bath" sends her barreling down the hall striping like a coed in Cancun on their way to a bladder buster.

Peter and I have discussed bubble bath for her, but after one look at the ingredients, you sorta give up and say...'someday ~ maybe later'. But we found a packet of harmless-enough stuff and decided to give it a try.

The whole time G & I were filling up the tub we were giggling about BUBBLES and how much FUN it was going to be. Well as it turns out ~ it wasn't really all that fun. Apparently bubbles are kinda scary the first time you take a tub and having them up to your chin isn't the 'easiest introduction' to them either.


"what. is. this. stuff."

"no really mum, get this crap off me"

"ok, if i let you take a picture will you help THEN??"

"and now your laughing...i really don't like you"

forgot...but not forgotten

A few weeks ago "someone" had a birthday. A birthday that unfortunately is ALWAYS celebrated in a hotel. Wishing she could have a *fun* cake and all of her family around ~ we at least tried to do part 1, as I think a 12 hr drive is ridiculous for a weekend, much less with a toddler.

The cake.

Unfortunately someone forgot it as he ran out the door. Maybe we'll do better next year.

i'm baa-ack

So holy cow!

Who woulda thunk that working outside the home would leave you with NO TIME to goof off on the net!?!?

I was on a contract for two-whole weeks that had me in the office at 7am but thankfully out by 3. It was great / horrible. I really enjoyed being DONE when I left the "office" ~ i really enjoyed getting back into the gym ~ and i really enjoyed getting out of the house and talking to other folks now and again.

Of COURSE i hated getting up at 5:45 and missing my baby in the AM. That.Just.Sucked. And it was sorta high stress, but thats sorta a plus too. I kinda thrive in that environment.

But its all for not anyhow ~ as they canceled the contract as hastily as they entered into it. Thus my life is to return back to 'normal'.

(but i did get up at 7am today to begin work and if i can get to the gym today i'll be a ROCKSTAR!)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dare I say it???


This past weekend we went to Berkley Springs and had a wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful weekend. It (like everything) took us longer than planned to get there, but once we were actually there it was fabulous.

Friday Night – we went to Earthdog CafĂ©: BBQ. It has some seriously awesome food and was the perfect small town mom & pop shop to welcome us to Berkeley Springs. At one point, Giuliane had the whole restaurant in stitches as we walked to the bathroom to wash her messy messy hands and face. (no she wasn’t finished eating ~ it was apparently just halftime) I asked her to hold her ands up so she wouldn’t bump anyone’s purses, jackets etc, so she continued to walk through the looooong restaurant with her hands in the air like she was being arrested. BUT as she walked, hands up, in pigtails and BBQ all over her she would do a lil wave and say “hi” to those who looked at her as we passed. She LOVED all the attention and I swear slowed down a lil bit with each step as we were walking so Lil Miss America could eat up all the attention.

Saturday – was the BIG day. For anyone unfamiliar with it ~ Berkeley Springs is a State Park /Spa combo. What’s that you say? Exactly. Confusing, but you’ll see what I mean in a minute. Historic natural springs come out of the ground at 74 something degrees. Apparently even back in ol’ George Washington’s time he used to enjoy the water around these parts and thus the baths were made. In fact the town was originally incorporated as BATH, West Virginia. The original bathhouse on location was built in 1787ish. This building houses large roman baths and a museum of tubs on the top floor (closed during our visit) The parks building was built in 1929ish and is where the Victorian tubs are and Massages (yes that deserves a capitol M). Pete-a-lee made our appointments via phone, but let me tell you ~ there are NO signs telling you were to register / check in etc. So if you do go ~ tell us and we’ll discuss.

All in all the experience was delightful. I mean obviously it was no Nemacolin Woodlands, but in a certain way ~ it was more relaxing in a rustic laid back sort of way. All sex segregated (except the original bathhouse) The women attendants chatted about while we soaked in our tubs and even that was soothing in a maternal childlike way. The massage was in a darker room in the back with the separate tables separated by an elbow high wall and curtains. It felt very old world and communal. And I liked it.

Sunday – took our time and traveled the back roads home. We hit just about every antique store along the way and I bought some completely unnecessary gems. THEN (again with the caps ~ I know) we stopped randomly for a cup of coffee at “Tropical Island Coffee Shop”. I of course made fun of the name as I wiped the snowflakes from my nose. Little did I know ~ it was owned by a Jamaican man from Kingstown. OH MY GOD did the food smell good. It was prob 10:30am and all I really wanted was coffee. Peter was in the car with Giuliane who was sleeping but I knew he'd be pissed if he missed this place. Debating...debating...I get our coffee's, coke in a bottle, and a meat pie that was up front. Come back to the car and Peter literally sniffs me and tells me I smell amazing. I bring out the meat pie and in seconds G's awake and it’s GONE.

10:30 am and we're debating weather or not to eat lunch!!! So we take a walk around town...and about an hour later finally decide that its an acceptable time to return to Island Coffee for lunch. I had jerk chicken with some sauce on top that was ridiculously good and Peter had a curried goat. The owner was fantastic and we told him next time we're even close to driving through we'd be stopping by with tupperware in our hands.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Miss Crankipants

Confession: I think swapping valentines at 20mos is STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. STUPID.

now realistically ~ i understand G's in a class w/3 year olds who might actually understand love and enjoy a lil party. But seeing the teachers stuff the 'envelopes' kinda takes out the pride of giving and getting doesn't it? Like, are we to start believing in a 'magic heart fairy' that comes and gives candy and cards to all the good little boys and girls? Aside from the fact that I don't really think kids this age need candy, much less should they think its a big exciting deal. I mean here ~ there really isn't anything better than JUSH (juice)

buuuuut...I play along and we made valentines for the class. But here's the kicker.

Confession #2: I had spent so much time on them that i didn't want G to "ruin" them. Am i an ass or what???

So i acquiesced and had her color the backs. Ironically as I finished them G would take them to Daddy to put in the pile ~ hand them to him ~ pretty side up ~ "I DID DIT" then come over to get the next one.

At least someone has her priorities straight!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So this is another one of those OH SO FLIPPING Adorable things that I don't think i'll EVER forget...but once you talk to parents of older kids, you know you will.

G's ALWAYS been a helper. A big helper in the kitchen, getting dressed, the lil darling even tries to put on her own diaper. Yes - picture her nudie lil bum laying out a diaper on the floor, and trying to plop her bottom in the right spot. Wiggle wiggle wiggle and "I DID DIT"!

Clearly her favorite is going to the potty. These days she seems to think that merely sitting on la toilet is worthy of a "I DID DIT" and really - who has the heart to tell her otherwise. "YES you did sit on the toilet and toot...and NEXT time you can go POTTY".

I love the enthusiasm and her pride in doing things herself. We've even given up a shelf in our much loved pantry for her. I refuse to give up my living room as most parents seem to (though she does have a good agent and has far more real estate than a year ago) but now she has a shelf that holds some snacks, her silverware, cups, and bowls. She gets them out for meals and brings out her glass when she wants water. Its fun to give her the tools she needs even at such a younge age. The pride she has for something as simple as getting a glass of water is worth squishing a few bags of rice together.

For the rest of her life ~ i hope giving her the tools she needs to succeed are this simple...because I never want to stop hearing "I DID DIT".

Thursday, February 05, 2009

We've been busy ....



celebratin (mesmas)....

and being sick...

Thankfully everyone (cept mom really) is back to 100% and happily looking forward to our Valentine's Day Adventure.