Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So this is another one of those OH SO FLIPPING Adorable things that I don't think i'll EVER forget...but once you talk to parents of older kids, you know you will.

G's ALWAYS been a helper. A big helper in the kitchen, getting dressed, the lil darling even tries to put on her own diaper. Yes - picture her nudie lil bum laying out a diaper on the floor, and trying to plop her bottom in the right spot. Wiggle wiggle wiggle and "I DID DIT"!

Clearly her favorite is going to the potty. These days she seems to think that merely sitting on la toilet is worthy of a "I DID DIT" and really - who has the heart to tell her otherwise. "YES you did sit on the toilet and toot...and NEXT time you can go POTTY".

I love the enthusiasm and her pride in doing things herself. We've even given up a shelf in our much loved pantry for her. I refuse to give up my living room as most parents seem to (though she does have a good agent and has far more real estate than a year ago) but now she has a shelf that holds some snacks, her silverware, cups, and bowls. She gets them out for meals and brings out her glass when she wants water. Its fun to give her the tools she needs even at such a younge age. The pride she has for something as simple as getting a glass of water is worth squishing a few bags of rice together.

For the rest of her life ~ i hope giving her the tools she needs to succeed are this simple...because I never want to stop hearing "I DID DIT".

1 comment:

Trinity said...

Soooooo adorable!!!