Monday, April 27, 2009

Mother’s little helper! (and…Daddy’s too)

So our little Pnut wants to be a part of the action no matter what we do. Sometimes I just want to get things done but then I realize she just wants to help, so even if it takes a little more time it’s worth it. Just watching her smile as she struggles to carry a small bag, or my grill scraper, or the cooler; yes she grabbed the handle of our quite large cooler with wheels and walked out towards the truck! She just really wants to help and be a part of everything and it’s awesome.

Friday was grilling night. Jen set outa blanket and opened a bottle of wine (Our new favorite, Pancake Cellars 2007 Big Day White, small price with a big yummy taste), and I fired up the coals. It was a beautiful night and as the sun was setting, Jenn read while I started to grill the squid. Pnut was at the picnic table with the plates from the cooler and was setting them out for each of us, along with forks and knives too! Jen’s and mine on one side of the table and hers across from ours. All the while muttering mommy, daddy, ME…mommy’s pate, daddy’s pate, ME pate.

Saturday we were back out at our "farm" to weed and pick up rocks so that we could harvest Asparagus. Yep...she was right next to Mom and Dad picking up rocks and tossing them into a large pile.

Fast forward to Sunday and we were cleaning or doing something other than watching our little girl. She was entertaining herself as usual and I hear plastic and clicking and she’s muttering again. I had to see what was up. She had found the plastic cups from the night before and had set out 3 on the coffee table. With an empty water bottle shewas “filling” up the 3 cups for Mommy, Daddy and ME! Amazed and pleased that our little G is happy, content, and filled with love for her family. I wonder if we can keep this up all the way through her teens. A father can hope.

Elephants use dirt and hay as a natural sunscreen

So why can't G???

At least this seems to be her theory. Of course this weekend was extra messy with a trip to 'our' farm to harvest the rock gardens and gather some asparagus. (ohh and for those of you who remember my oath...FRESH DOESN'T STINK! i don't know how or why, but thanks to Pete-a-lee who pointed it out. Men, right?!?)

Ok so back to Pigpen. I know we were at a farm, i KNOW we gardened, but seriously...seriously ~ how does it get everywhere? Including Mom?

and why? Why is is sooooo important to keep my lil gringa SLATHERED in sunscreen when all it does it attract dirt from miles and miles away? HELLO G ~ your DAD IS CUBAN & ITALIAN ~ and your brother and sisters ALL tan nicely.

Not that i'd let you tan at barely two years of age...but a mom can dream right?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April Adventures!

This month we had not one, but TWO adventures.

The first one was more of a mommy & daddy adventure! Can you image?!?! Yes, I can assure you ~ they DO exist! Anyhoo - my brother got married and with his fiance ~ (now better known as 'Aunt NINA') had they had the most fanflippintastic wedding weekend. For three nights in a row we got to play (and by play I mean drink) And although i can proudly say I wasn't as easy as it was when i was 20. Not by a looong shot!

(watch out ~ the next shot is pretty riske) -- haha or not.

THEN the weekend after we drove down to the Sheandoah Mountains to visit Peter's sister & family. It was an awesome day trip. Complete with mountain views, swimming and tempting Vera Bradley bags. Although I didn't take a single picture while we were there. I did manage to snap a few as we were heading out the door.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Coo Coo for Tutu's!

So i bought this FLUFFY pink tutu on a whim at a second hand shop because i thought it would be a really cute photography prop. Never in a million years did I imagine that i'd have lil girly girl who was that kid who wore silly stuff. EVERYWHERE. No seriously ~ EVERYWHERE.

I actually wake up and coordinate her weekend outfits so the tutu doesn't look quite so ridiculous. Of course its not just day-time wear either. It makes the perfect accessory for bedtime as well.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

My Oath

I, JennalaMommy, do hereby solemnly swear that i will no longer serve asparagus until EVERYONE in this home is 100% potty trained. So help me God.

Monday, April 06, 2009

School Pictures

So today is PICTURE DAY at G's school. I bounced back and forth on how much I cared. Ranging from to ~ she's missed every other picture day and it would be fun to see what comes from it.

Sooo last minute Peter reminded me and i whipped out the iron. Zoom zoom zoom ~ toss on the dress, add some pigtails per request, and we're off with cargo pants to change into later.

BUT WAIT. She looks soooo cute! I HAAAD TO GET A PIC. Channeling my inner G i feel i can claim "I DIT IT!"

But no matter what, they don't make me smile 1/2 as much as this one does.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

in a minute...

Anyone think we took too much time getting ready???

Not THAT kinda bunny!

So we were playing around with G's bunny ears the other day (perhaps in anticipation of a photo shoot?!?!)

Little did we know she has aspirations of being a...bunny.

Not really the kind we had expected though.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Ummm... Ummm... Ummmm... I have a little girl! No longer a baby, but a little girl that gets nervous and says "ummmm" ALL THE TIME NOW. I presume this is one of her (numerous) bad habits she picked up at daycare. But, like all the rest, I know it should be a bad thing but it seriously just makes me giggle.

Me - G, what do you want?
G - Ummm... Ummm... (picks at lip a bit) Umm...
Me - G honey, you can point if you don't know the word.
G - Ummm... Ummm... (picks at lip a bit) Umm...
(a few more rounds)

P - she wants chocolate, she saw me eating some
Me - G do you want chocolate?
G - Ummm... Umm... yea mommy, CHOP-a-LIT!

Apparently i'm the BAD parent and she knows she's not getting it from me. Often at least :P

and a gratuitous pic of G just for fun!